Welcome back to Our Creative Corner.
Top Talent Thursday.
It is with utmost pleasure that I present to you this Thursday all the way from Austria, a lady who will amaze you with her mixed media projects on her Blog, and by what she has created for you today; as it is truly beautiful.
Please welcome and congratulate our Guest and ‘Top Talent’ for this Thursday 29th November, and our winner of the ‘Masking for Halloween’ Challenge:
CLAUDIA aka die amelie
We are so thrilled to showcase her work, but first let us learn a little bit about her.
1.) ‘Where do you Live’?
I live in Austria's beautiful capital Vienna, located at the river Danube and surrounded by my beloved "Wienerwald" and a lot of vineyards. I moved here about ten years ago, following love's call and I really enjoy Vienna's great variety of cultural entertainment as much as the simultane possibilities of a big city at your doorstep as well as nature. The often mentioned and typical Viennese mopishness (which I think of as amusing, but not everyone does!) reveals itself as only one side of the medal, giving the Viennese a closer look. They also are as heartily and caring, given a chance to show that side as well. One could say, they never pretend being other than they really are at the very moment :)
I also love that slightly morbid touch, which is typical for Vienna's locals (which might be due to me fitting in quite perfectly :)
I love Vienna's historic center very much! And of course the coffee houses!!! :)
(Mopishness for those who do not know means; Apathetic, gloomy and morose!)
2.) What if anything, do you consistently draw inspiration from?
As I am very much a visual person, I gather (and store) impressions almost everywhere. These may be certain combinations of colours or textures, impressing faces, that tell whole live's stories or unusual combinations of subjects, that arouse one's attention. I have a specialized look for tiny details, I guess. That's why I also love macro photography very much as well as doing small crafting objects or painting small formats rather than large canvasses. So to say I draw inspiration from nature and everyday life and it’s "small everyday wonders".
3.) List five blogs that truly inspire you?
First of all comes wonderful Alison - butterfly's blog:
"Words and Pictures"!
Also froebelsternchens blog:
froebelsternchen.blogspot.co.at always inspires me, as she uses Mixed Media in so many creative ways.
Elly Pirally's blog:
"Mixed Media and more" is totally up my alley and I so love her booklets and wonderful ancient looking objects she creates out of simple cereal boxes and other stuff.
Then there should also be mentioned Ana K.'s blog
"Anina Papirckalnica" - a treasure box to me.
And last but not least Luthien Thye's "Altered Alchemy"...
...to name only five of a whole bunch of blogs I love to visit regularly.
(Mmmm.., I will pay a visit, as 3 out of the 5 I do not know!)
4.) How would you describe your art for the general public audience if they have never seen it before?
Phew painter's or colouring type - that much is obvious. I love shabby things and objects, that tell stories of time, wind and weather. Their colours - almost any colours "produced" by nature itself - and textures are eye-candy to me and I often try to create a look, that is meant to provide the same experience. Patina for example. Or rotten leaves' colours... there's so much to be found in nature, that is pure inspiration.... quite difficult to answer, as I think one has a completely different look at one's own creations than an audience has. At least I dare to state, that my art is quite widely ranged - from very graphical and dainty to quite messy, from rather spooky to almost lovely. Mixed Media and altering techniques play a main role in it, I guess. I am not at all the colourful
5.) What other hobbies or talents do you have that you'd like to share with us?
From time to time I collect old cut-out-sheets, paper dolls and paper theaters, which - when assembled - I show on my other VonPappe-blog , I am interested in photography, but at the moment pausing at it (don't know exactly why). Images can be seen at my photo-blog "sightings"
and sometimes I write (mainly children's) poems, which I also publish on "Bert-der-Bär".
6.) What is the most useless item that you have purchased for your craft?
It's definitely the tray for embossing, which I bought after having knocked over the tin with my precious aged copper embossing enamel. (I got it all back from the floor, using shovel and broom, but I then had to pick out a lot of white dog's hair with tweezers, before it was of any use again...). I had used a simple sheet of paper before and have gone back to it, after the tray always gets static.
And here is what Claudia presented us with!

Thank you, Claudia for being our 'Thursday's Top Talent'. and sharing such wonderful inspiration with us!I have only shown you half of the photos of this Box!
If you want to see more please pay her a visit.
Claudia’s Blog:
Von Pappe II
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"The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe