Hi everyone!
We are nearly at the end of 2014 - what an amazing year it has been for Our Creative Corner!
2015 will hopefully be bigger and better! Although sadly we will be saying goodbye to some of our Team at the end of the year, we are taking on new Team Members to inspire you!
As always our view at OCC is that it should be a place 'where your crafting creativity has no limitations' and we continue with that same free thinking attitude towards our crafts - now with a larger team and also a Resident Guest Designer on the team to add in some more variety with tutorials and advice. There is also lots more sponsors providing our winners with wonderful prizes - OCC is going to be an even more inspiring place to be....
So let's welcome our new Team Members.....
Hello Everyone! My name is Pamellia Johnson and I live in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada with my wonderful husband Andrei and our two little
girls, Scully (a teacup Maltese) and Pebbles (a teacup black
Creativity runs in my family, so it's no surprise that I enjoy crafting.
I have been crafting in some form or another ever since I was a little
kid, thanks to my very creative and talented Mom. I've dabbled in all
sorts of crafts, but I think my true passion is handmade cards. I have
only recently tried my hand at mixed media art and altered items, but I
instantly fell in love with the messy side of crafting!
When Laura contacted me and asked me to be a member of the Our Creative
Corner team, I almost fell off my chair! What an honour to be invited to
craft along side some of the most talented artists out there! Thank you
Laura, I look forward to this next leg of my crafting adventure.
This is my OCC trinket box, to see more you can visit me at
My Little Craft Things.

Bonjour! My
name is Lys and I live in a village in south west of France. Beside my full
time job I find self balance in scrapbooking and crafting, more and more as my
children grow up and create their own life. I just discovered mixed media and
the huge possibilities it offers to creativity. I love playing and trying new
ways and looks.
I’m so
happy and honored today to join Our
Creative Corner team! Creating alongside such inventive and brilliant ladies is
amazing and thrilling! Thanks Laura for giving me this opportunity.
Here is my
“introducing” layout, which gathers most of my tastes: vintage look, torn
papers, layers, inks, textures, words… You can find more details on my blog.
HELLO!! My name is Shari Trumbull and I am so very pleased and honored
to be here as a new member of the Design Team for Our Creative
Corner. I come to you from the mountains of North Idaho, USA where I
live with my husband, Don and furry family of 3 dogs-Bella, Maxine &
Ralph and 2 cats-Lille and Daisy.
I used to have a very hectic and very full-time work life in business
administration and management, with not a lot of time for crafting.
Since moving to Idaho 5 years ago, I've been given the opportunity to be
able to delve into my creative side and see where it would take me.
The creative journey (still in progress) has been amazing and has
brought me here, to Our Creative Corner, working with a
group of AMAZING Artists! I'm still in shock that I'm here!! Laura, are you still sure it's Me??!
Anyway, I'm carrying out the month of December with sharing some of the
goodies I made for Christmas. Some of my Christmas crafties where sent
out as little holiday tokens, some--I kept! Like this chipboard/manila
stock ornament--Once I hung it on my Christmas tree, it wasn't going
I've got a few details of how I put this ornament together on my
blog--Come on over, I'd love to see you there!
Hi Everyone!
I am so excited to be here, my first time as a Design Team member, thank you so much Laura for inviting me.
My name is Jan
Hill, I live in Coventry, England, with my long suffering husband and
son. I have been crafting as long as I can remember. I have made Dolls
Houses and Miniatures for a number of years before I discovered
Scrapbooking and Mixed Media. Now I am hooked! I spend a lot of time in
my craft room in the attic, please check out my blog at
I created a
scrapbook page for my intro piece. I chose a photo of my favourite
place, Calvi on the beautiful island of Corsica, a special place for
myself and my husband. When I see this photo I can feel the sun on my
skin and smell the wild herbs of the Marquis!
I hope you like it too! There are details on my blog of how I created the page
Hi my name is Laurie Moore and I’m truly honored to be a
part of this wonderful talented team of artists. Thank you Laura for inviting
me and letting me share in the adventure of the OCC blog.
I live in the USA near the small town of Lebanon in Oregon on a farm
with my husband Richard. I have two married grown children and five
grandchildren that are the loves of my life.
I can’t remember a time when I haven’t done some kind of
crafting. I had been scrapbooking for about 10 years when I discovered mix
media and altering things. I've done many different styles of scrapbooking over
the years but altering items and giving them new life is my true passion. As
you can see here I've altered a little red truck and created a home decor piece
for my vintage style house.
I hope you will come share in my creative adventure and
visit me on my blog
I am Candice (Aka Tincan Crafter) from South Africa. I do like to make
things and I LOVE UPCYCLING JUNK (hence Tincan Crafter). I collect and
buy really random things that I
think can be turned into crafty supplies and tools – like dental picks
coloured hair mousse. You might think
that is sad, until you find your inner-dental-pick-collecting crafty
then you will know, oh how you will know. For a few hours a day I teach
Philosophy at a
University in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa and for the rest of the day I
CRAFT!!! I really think I only work so
that I can buy crafting supplies…… I keep a little blog where I journal
crazy craft experiments and that you can check out here -
tincan handmade craft deli
When Laura asked me to be a Guest Designer for OCC
– I nearly fell off my chair! I had no
idea that anyone would think I was worthy enough to be featured as a guest
designer, I have never ever taken design or art at any kind of educational
level and I have always thought that I would never be good enough without any
kind of formal training. Then when she
asked me to join the team for this coming year I actually did fall off my chair
– seriously, got scraped and everything. I can hardly believe I have this
blessed an opportunity to work on a team like this. I have been around to all
the other team members blogs and I am so honoured to be included amongst this
mind-blowingly creative, arty, talented group.
I feel challenged to step up and be as awesome as they are.
I don’t
think that I have a particular style, or if I do – I haven’t noticed
it. I don’t think that I am specially attached to
one type of craft either, except crochet and knitting – never quite got
hang of that….heehee see what I did there, I am a crabbler (crafting
of note. Needless to say my house is
quite a mismatched, hodge-podge of bits of craft – I call this design
style eclectic
grunge! It happens when you buy random
dental picks and things. For this little introductory post I am going
to share my nutty love for Hot Air Balloons and show you how I made this
mobile of cheery hot air balloons by upcycling old Incandescent Light
Bulbs and Baubles, and a few other items that you are sure to have at
home. It was a fun project and I love the pop of colour it added to my
Looking forward
to sharing my brand of crazy with you all and I know that I am going to be
inspired beyond my wildest imaginings by you all.
Ana K.
dear crafters... I'm really delighted to be here, in company with very talented
Our Creative Corner ladies...thank you for invitation Laura!
name is Ana and I am from beautiful Slovenia. Creating came into my life by
accident, but quickly I became addicted...I love everything old or old looking
and that you can see in my creations...I love to create mainly collages, but I
also love making altered projects and books...during creating process, I
completely “eliminate rest of the world” and I can say that crafting is my
escape from reality...
introduction I made a project inspired by quote I like...welcome to my blog,
where you will find details.
So there is the new additions to the OCC Design Team - Please hiop along to their blogs and leave them some love - I am sure they would love to see you all there!
They will be here on the 1st Jan with the rest of the OCC team to bring you the first challenge of 2015 which is going to be hosted by Pamellia....We all hope you come back and join in the fun!
Happy Crafting
Laura xxx